Overall Champions 2022
Category WTN: Winner Insa, Bremen, 46:23
Catefory Open: Winner Gimp, Zurich, 34:10
Our overall winners Insa and Gimp win a trip to the next CMWC 2022 in NYC or 2023 in Yokohama – depending on IFBMA decision if 2022 there will be a CMWC in NYC or not.
Local Winners
place | 1st wtn | 1st open |
Bremen | Insa (overall) | Daniel |
Seattle | Jessica | Treebeard |
Glasgow | Hannah | Aaron |
Montreal | Tommy | Daniel |
Berne | Isabelle | Timo |
Berlin | Norman | |
Brussels | Riccardo | |
Hannover | Joli | |
Quito | Crtistiana | Mateo |
Athens | Souzana | Orto |
Copenhagen | Emma | SpicyKoko69 |
Düsseldorf | Nicole | Stefan |
Frankfurt | Doro | Jens |
Geneva | Jonathan | |
Helsinki | Alzu | Axel |
Leipzig | Bianca | Frederik |
Malmo | Love | |
Melbourne | Grace | Shneeki |
Milano | Cle | Liotu |
Port Louis | Mats | |
Roma | Dario | |
Yokohama | Yagi P. | |
Zurich | Em | Gimp (overall) |
All heats have finished. There have been between one (Port Louis) and like 80 participants (Kuala Lumpur) in our finally 29 host citys.
All local winners win free registration to CMWC2024 in Zurich provided that Zurich gets the world in 2024.
Livestream from GG HQ
Live from HQ headquarters at instagram.
Follow our livestream at https://www.instagram.com/votecmwc2024zurich/
Then click on our yellow round button and your stream should start.
Livestream ist currently down due to the HQ crew needs a short break. We will be live broadcasting again at 2am Zurich time.
C U soon again.
Registration is closed now.
Next planned programm:
0:00 (midnight) – Livestream from HQ short broadcast
2:00 (am) – Awards GlobalGutz 2022 overall winners
All times are Central Europen Time (CET). Check your local time.
Meet us on Instagram and on Facebook
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/votecmwc2024zurich/
Insta Hashtags: #votecmwczurich24 #ZHistole #globalgutz2022
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/votecmwc2024zurich
2022 : Finally messenger events again. Even a global one – GlobalGutz!
Last Cycle Messenger World Championships took place in Jakarta in 2019.
Years with no worldwide messenger event? – Too sad!
There is a solution: It’s called GlobalGutz and it takes place in your very own city!!!
2022 GlobalGutz will take place on april 9th.
GlobalGutz is an alleycat race that starts simultaneously at the same time all over the world. This means that at some places people will be raceing at noon while fellow competitors in another place will start at midnight. But:
To prevent locations to have to start their globalgutz alleycat race like at 3am, this years edition comes in two heats. Local organizers choose in which of the two heats they will start their race. Heat one starts at 12’o clock sharp midday (12pm) and heat two starts exactly at midnight (12am) CET (Zurich, Paris, Warsaw, …). This means, that the organizers in Mexico City can choose between 5am and 5pm to start their globalgutz race on saturday april 9th 2022. As an example.
GobalGutz comes with two gender categories: Open and WTN.
Veteran messengers may still remember GlobalGutz, an alleycat that takes place simultaneously all over the world. On april 9th 2022 you’ll be racing a distance of exactly 21 kilometres (13.05 miles) with 5 checkpoints along the way. The fastest riders (Open and WTN) win.
For detailed rules, starting time options and how YOU can participate in GlobalGutz 2022 see rules-page.
Win a trip to the next CMWC!

The winners in both categories, open and WTN, will win trips to the next CMWC.
The winners of each heat will get free registration to CMWC 2024 Zurich, provided that Zurich gets the worlds…
We need YOU
Bring GlobalGutz to your place! Check out, if your city is already registered as a local host place for GG22. If not: Why don’t You organise it? It’s easy and we help you, if you feel uncertain about how to do it. Just register HERE and we will get in touch with you.
Your local community will love you!
Meet us
Meet us on Instagram and facebook:
2022 GlobalGutz committee from Zurich,
Carla, Moritz, Indi, Valérie & Roli